Why Do You Have Fibromyalgia? found this article on Fibromyalgia-Symptoms.org

Why Do You Have Fibromyalgia?

Are Your Children Doomed?  The Genetic Factor.

Is there a fibromyalgia gene that predetermined your condition even before you were born?  Read on….

Is fibromyalgia a genetic condition passed along from parents to children in a never ending cycle of pain, fatigue and sore muscles?  Studies have uncovered that fibromyalgia sufferers tend to have parents, siblings and children suffering from the condition more often than non-fibromyalgia sufferers.  However, other studies have shown that stress, especially post-traumatic stress, plays a significant role in the onset of fibromyalgia and these family members may suffer from the condition due to their experiences with the same trauma that brought about your fibromyalgia pain.  So, is this condition genetic or not?

Are your children doomed to inherit your fibromyalgia?  Read on to find out more…..

Injuries and Fibromyalgia

Are your injuries from a car accident or even a sloppy gym workout the cause of your fibromyalgia pain?  Read on…

More and more studies are showing that people, who have been injured in an accident, or even from pulling a muscle during a lazy workout session, are more likely to suffer from the pain of fibromyalgia.  In fact, people who have suffered a neck injury are 13 times more likely to develop fibromyalgia than the rest of the population.  However, did you realize that resting your injured muscles is one of the worst things you can do for your fibro pain and can lead to permanent, chronic muscle pain?

Find out why you need to stay in motion and keep your muscles toned and in shape.  Click here to find out more….

Fibromyalgia Causes

What causes fibromyalgia?  Read on…

No one knows the exact reason for the onset of fibromyalgia.  There appear to be many factors involved in the development of this condition including genetic factors, severe stress including post-traumatic stress, injuries from accidents or severe trauma, magnesium deficiency, and sleep interruption.  In fact, one study shows that when the sleep of non-fibromyalgia suffers was continuously interrupted over a specific time period, the patients all began developing symptoms of fibromyalgia.

However, despite the lack of consensus on the cause for developing fibromyalgia, there is one magic cure that seems to provide relief to all fibromyalgia patients.  Click here to find out how to live pain free….

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