A New Life for this Fibromyalgia Victim

I know it’s been a while since we last spoke but I’ve been very busy. Earlier this year I was laid off which was a blessing in disguise because my body could no longer keep up with the demands of my job. So I decided to start my own home based businesses http://busyjoujoubees.com and http://sirensandsappho.com. I’m going to warn you before hand Sirens and Sappho site is for mature audiences only.

The last nine months I have built sites creating a buzz and updating the information on all sites, as well as promoting my business. Even though I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 8-9 years ago I am learning something new everyday. My latest discovery is working around my flare-up, in the cold months is when my body hurts the most, before my period I am it with all symptoms from the mental to the physical to the emotional effects of fibromyalgia.

This is something I have to work on to survive, because other than having my own businesses I wouldn’t be able to make a living. Social Security disability is very hard for fibromyalgia sufferers to get and there are no programs that I have found that take this disease or should I say syndrome seriously. As I’m writing this post every part of my lower body is paining me but what I have realized is I’m always going to be a pain the difference is to what degree. So on those manageable days I try to get as much done as possible. I lose a week out of each month during my PMS stage. now that I’m on my own schedule I know not to plan anything during that time. As I learn more ways around surviving with this syndrome I will keep everyone apprised.

Stay positive.

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